
Skipped few days since I last wrote. Trying to keep to the habit of writing regularly and not fall into the old blackout period – let’s see if I’ll be able to do it.

Change is inevitable – I was told. In actual truth, it is a simple fact. 

Change to good or bad is definitely subjective and is always a matter of perspective. Perspective is so subjective that the fluidity of it is almost constant, depending on both factual and emotional factors or circumstances.

Over the weekend, we had a lineup of early of year main agency events. Honestly, it felt a little awkward with so many changes happening within short period of time. As a person who believes in empowerment and taking a step back when there are too many lions in the field for progress, I simply did that. But as a person who also has strong principled opinions, definitely at times it feels off.  

Changes are changes, and I’ve come to accept that all things happen at Allah’s will, and He knows better. For better or worst, they happen for the best, if not for today, for tomorrow. If not here, the hereafter. Just hoping I learn from the wisdom of whatever changes that are happening.

One obvious change is the fact I’m now wearing glasses, just picked up my first pair last night. Will take some time to get use to it.


Semua baik-baik saja.